Global Peacebuilders Summit
June 2 - 8, 2024
in Berlin-Schmöckwitz, Germany
Global Peacebuilders Summit
June 2 - 8, 2024
in Berlin-Schmöckwitz, Germany
In crisis regions, as well as in Germany. Our topic areas are peace processes, sustainable development and cultural diversity. Our most important project in reporting on peace work is Peace Counts.
Die Stiftung verwaltet und verteilt die ihr gemäß § 6 zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel. Die Stiftung verfolgt gemeinnützige Zwecke; sie fördert ausschließlich soziale, karitative, dem Umweltschutz dienliche, kulturelle, staatsbürgerliche, jugendfördernde und sportliche Vorhaben durch Gewährung von Zuwendungen.
The Robert Bosch Stiftung is active in the areas of health, education and global issues. Through its funding, the Foundation works for a just and sustainable future. It is non-profit, independent and non-partisan and is rooted in the legacy of Robert Bosch. In his legacy, the entrepreneur and founder formulated the dual mission of securing the company's future and continuing his social commitment.
In the Global Issues funding area, the Foundation works on major social challenges of our time. These include migration, climate change, inequality, democracy, and peace. Our team “Peace” provides medium- to long-term support in selected regions to people and organizations directly affected by conflict. Together with regional stakeholders, we set up initiatives that shape inclusive peace processes and implement projects locally. Moreover, we promote exchange among academics and practitioners globally while contributing findings of our work to peacebuilding debates and activities.