
Fatuma Abdulkadir Adan
Country/region: Kenya (Northern region)
Conflict: Ethnic conflict
Organisation: Horn of Africa Development Initiative
Field of work: Mediation, women's rights

Fatuma is a lawyer and human rights activist. In 2003 she founded HODI (Horn of Africa Development Initiative), which promotes peace in the region and womens' rights. She now has a small office and four permanent staff. Her slogan is: "Shoot to score, not to kill", with the aim being to score goals, not to kill people. That's why she offers football coaching (football is a major passion among people in the North of Kenya) and organises tournaments for the young people of rival tribes.

Since 2008 there has also been a girls' team. A development which is violently resisted by conservative imams. In the mosque Fatuma has been branded a witch, and death threats have been sent to her mobile. The North of Kenya is notorious for forced marriage and the kidnapping of young women, while female genital mutilation is still standard practice. HODI combats all these practices that no longer have a place in the modern age.

Fatuma also uses football matches in a targeted way for the purpose of bringing together representatives of the mutually hostile Borana, Gabbra and Rendile tribes, and persuade them to participate in conflict management training. She is in a good position to do so, as the daughter of parents from different tribes.

In 2011 she received the "Stuttgart Peace Prize", which is awarded by the AnStifter organisation.