Mariam B. Barandia

Country/region: Philippines

Conflict: Religious conflict

Organisation: Kapamagogopa Incorporated

Field of work: Reconciliation Muslims / Christians in Mindanao


For decades the Philippines has been victim to a bloody armed struggle between the government and Muslim separatists seeking an independent state in southern parts of the country. At least 150,000 people have been killed and, since 2000, three million people have been forced to flee their homes. The violence has left a legacy of suspicion and mistrust between Christian and Muslim communities.

In this background Mariam B. Barandia finished her career in banking in Mindanao, the region worst affected by the conflict and founded Kapamagogopa Incorporated (KI). The organization provides opportunities for Young Muslim graduates who were facing the same prejudices as she experienced herself as a Maranao, a minority Muslim tribe in Mindanao. KI is bringing the two communities back together as they counteract prejudice between Muslims and Christians by introducing Muslim volunteers into community organisations across the region. They empower Muslim volunteers to apply their talents in other communities to bridge the deep-rooted religious divides in between. KI volunteers reached already more than 9,526 individuals through their work in host organisations.

Mariam B. Barandia is the Executive Director of KI and also board member of several civil society organizations working for peace in Mindanao. She is a committed peacebuilder and a leading light in the promotion of national volunteering in the Southern Philippines. In 2013 KI were winners of the Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders prize and their work is supported by Peace Direct.


Peace direct:

Preis Tomorrows Peacebuilders:

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations:

Gulalai Ismail

Country/region: Pakistan

Conflict: Oppression and injustice against women

Organisation: Aware Girls

Field of work: Women´s rights; Strengthening young activists; Youth Peace Network

Gululai Ismail is a youth and peace activist working for awareness and social mobilization to ensure the right of women to live a dignified life. She runs a social organization, ”Aware Girls”, which promotes women’s awareness, democracy and peace. Her organization teaches girls and women from deprived communities in the region about their political and social rights.

She started the organization at the age of 16 to provide young women with leadership through which they can act as agents of change for women’s empowerment, peace and democracy. Within ten years Gulalai has developed Aware Girls into a well-supported, women’s-led organisation working towards gender equality and peace in Pakistan in one of the most fragile regions by developing a “Youth Peace Network”. The trained peace activists then work at the community level using peer education, study circles and peace education. The overall goal is to promote an alternative pluralistic discourse based on the values of tolerance, non-violence and peaceful co-existence.

Gululai Ismail has won the 2009 YouthActionNet Fellowship, the 2013 Democracy Award and the International Humanist of the Year Award in 2014. Her work is supported by Peace Direct.



Organisation “Aware girls”:

Peace Direct: