In the year 2001 Macedonia experienced a short, violent conflict between ethnic Albanians (National Liberation Army), the rebels and the Macedonian security forces, which cost dozens of lives on both sides. To the present day the fragile state of inter-ethnic relationships is still noticeable, particularly in southern Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Prejudices and stereotypes are difficult to eradicate and there is a lack of trust and understanding.
At the Circles of Trust everyone can tell his or her story, while the others listen. All participants are invited to talk openly and freely about their feelings.
From the Circles of Trust Goce Todoroski expects rapid and positive changes among the young people of Macedonia, together with increased conflict transformation skills on the part of teachers. Those teachers who have already been trained in the method confirm that this approach improves relationships within their schools, to the benefit of communication and networks.
In 2009, the Center for Civic Initiative was also working on ensuring the right to education in Juvenile Correction Facility Tetovo in Macedonia. Through this project, not only the legislation was discussed, but also conflict transformation methodology of Circles of Trust.
Today 22 schools from the country are included in projects for building trust, and a manual is produced informing teachers about the Circle of Trust method and further possibilities for conflict transformation. Among other partners Goce Todoroski and his organization are supported by zivik, the German Embassy in Skopje, the Berghof Foundation, Royal Norway Embassy in Belgrade, British Embassy in Skopje and others.