Category: Peacebuilders
James Wuye
Country/region: Nigeria, Middle Belt
Conflict: Christian und Muslim groups
Organisation: Interfaith Mediation Center (IMC)
Field of work: Early warning systems to prevent religious violence; mediation -
Amali Wijeratne
Country/region: Srilanka (South Asia)
Conflict: Civil War and Ethnic conflicts
Organisation: Center for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation (cpbr) Home for diversity.
Field of work: Interethnic, faith, regional harmony, conflict transformation, ecological spirituality and healing -
Liza Wilkinson
Country/region: Northern Ireland
Conflict: Protestant & Catholic groups, peacebuilding in Pakistan, Balkans, Afghanistan and Sudan
Organisation: TIDES Trainings & Consultancy
Field of work: Dialogues, conflict resolution, peace with social justice training, family and community work -
Karen Volker
Country/region: USA
Conflict: Urban Violence
Organisation: Cure Violence
Field of work: Human rights, prevention of violence -
Ousmane Diadé Touré
Country/region: Mali
Conflict: Civil War
Organisation: Studio Tamani
Field of work: Media for tolerance -
Goce Todoroski
Country/region: Macedonia
Conflict: Armed conflict in 2001, inter-ethnic conflict to the present day
Organisation: Center for Civic Initiative
Field of work: Inter-ethnic youth work -
Nava Sonnenschein
Country/region: Israel
Conflict: Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Organisation:School for Peace, Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam
Field of work: Encounter groupsntion -
Boris Somé
Country/region: Burkina Faso
Conflict: Ethnic conflicts
Organisation: West Africa Network for Peacebuilding
Field of work: Early Warning Systems, conflict analysis and prevention -
Renas Sino
Country/region: Syria
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Tevin
Field of work: Think tank for Kurdish affairs, conflict resolution, dialogue -
Sima Samar
Country/region: Afghanistan
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission
Field of work: Human rights -
Henry Ramirez Soler
Country/region: Colombia
Conflict: Socio-political armed conflict
Organisation: Corporacion Claretiana Norman Perez Bello / PROCLADE INTERNACIONAL
Field of work: Human rights, peace education, political advocacy before the UN, mediation and accompaniment to victims, follow-up to peace agreements. -
Mossarat Quadeem
Country/region: Pakistan
Conflict: (Religious) radicalization
Organisation: Paiman Alumni Trust
Field of work: De-Radicalization, strenthening of women in peace processes -
Yah Vallah Parwon
Country/region: Liberia
Conflict: Structural violence
Organisation: medica Liberia
Field of work: SGBV Prevention and Response in Conflict Settings -
Nedžad Novalić
Country/region: Western Balkan (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia)
Conflict: Ethnic conflict
Organisation: Centre for Nonviolent Action
Field of work: Postwar reconciliation, peacebuilding education, memorialization -
Landry Ninteretse
Country/region: Burundi
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Action for Peace and Development (APD)
Field of work: Dialogues, conflict resolution, trauma work, street children, environmental protection -
Dieudonné Munyankiko
Country/region: Rwanda
Conflict: Civil war, genocide
Organisation: Association Modeste et Innocent (AMI)
Field of work: Reconciliation between Hutus and Tutsis -
Immaculate Mukasa
Country/region: Uganda, East Africa
Conflict: Social conflict, structural violence
Organisation: Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women (MEMPROW)
Field of work: Empowerment of girls and young women, building their confidence, leadership, agency, and peer-peer groups, promotion of women’s rights, climate justice and violence-free communities -
Mary Montague († 2024)
Country/region: Northern Ireland
Organisation: Tides Training
Field of work: Mediation and training -
Babloo Loitongbam
Country/region: India (federal state of Manipur in the northeast region)
Conflict: Human rights violations by the Army; armed rebel groups
Organisation: Human Rights Alert
Field of work: Human rights; civil rights -
Dipujjal Khisa
Country/region: Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), Bangladesh
Conflict: Ethnic conflicts
Organisation: Maleya Foundation
Field of work: Indigenous Peoples Rights, Non-violent conflict transformation, Indigenous peoples’ self-determined development, Women empowerment.