The GPN is a growing network of active peacemakers from conflict regions. New members are accepted based on nominations decided by the GPN Advisory Board. The network is supported by the German Culture Counts Foundation.
- Fatuma Abdulkadir Adan
- Halima Adan
- Iman Alghafari
- Rajaa Altalli
- Suzan Aref
- Muhammad Ashafa
- Mariam Barandia
- Hania Bitar
- John Carson
- Assaad Chaftari
- Anna Ferreira
- Miguel Alvarez Gandara
- Lian Gogali
- Monika Hauser
- Cheryl Hendricks
- Moses John
- Olga Karatch
- Dipujjal Khisa
- Babloo Loitongbam
- Mary Montague († 2024)
- Immaculate Mukasa
- Dieudonné Munyankiko
- Landry Ninteretse
- Nedžad Novalić
- Yah Vallah Parwon
- Mossarat Quadeem
- Henry Ramirez Soler
- Sima Samar
- Renas Sino
- Boris Somé
- Nava Sonnenschein
- Goce Todoroski
- Ousmane Diadé Touré
- Karen Volker
- Liza Wilkinson
- James Wuye

Fatuma Abdulkadir Adan
Country/region: Kenya (Northern region)
Conflict: Ethnic conflict
Organisation: Horn of Africa Development Initiative (HODI)
Field of work: Mediation, women’s rights

Halima Adan
Country/region: Somalia
Conflict: Civil War
Organisation: Save Somali Women and Children
Field of work: Women’s rights, democratic development, mediation, leadership

Iman Alghafari
Country/region: Syria
Organisation: Initiatives of Change
Field of work:

Rajaa Altalli
Country/region: Syria
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Center for Civil Society and Democracy in Syria
Field of work: Supporting civil society and those working for peace; Syrian refugee camps in Turkey

Suzan Aref
Country/region: Iraq
Conflict: Civil War
Organisation: Women Empowerment Organization (WEO)
Field of work: Help and education for refugees, establishing shelters for battered women, education, support on legal issues

Muhammad Ashafa
Country/region: Nigeria, Middle Belt
Conflict: Christian and Muslim Groups
Organisation: Interfaith Mediation Center (IMC)
Field of work: Early warning systems to prevent religious violence; mediationlegal issues

Mariam Barandia
Country/region: Philippines
Conflict: Religious conflict
Organisation: IKapamagogopa Incorporated
Field of work: Reconciliation Muslims / Christians in Mindanao

Hania Bitar
Country/region: Palestine
Conflict: Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Organisation: Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation (PYALARA)
Field of work: Empowerment of young Palestinians through specialized youth media and peer-to-peer-groups, human rights, women rights, leadership

John Carson
Country/region: Northern Ireland
Conflict: Religious and Political Conflicts
Organisation: TIDES Training
Field of work: Mediation and Conflict Resolution; Working with ex-combatant groups on Conflict Resolution; Restorative Practice. Training groups in Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Assaad Chaftari
Country/region: Lebanon
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Fighters for Peace / Initiatives of Change Lebanon
Field of work: Reconciliation, non-violent conflict resolution, Preach for personal change…and the rest, mainly by trying to reach ex-fighters, youth and politicians

Anna Ferreira
Country/region: Venezuela
Conflict: Violent innerstate conflict
Organisation: El Círculo and Venezuelan Civic Forum
Field of work: Women´s rights; youth engagement

Miguel Alvarez Gandara
Country/region: Mexico
Conflict: Ethnic conflict, structural violence
Organisation: Servicios y Asesoría para la Paz (SERAPAZ)
Field of work: Human rights, Peace Education, Positive Conflict Transformation

Lian Gogali
Country/region: Indonesia
Conflict: Ethnic-religious conflicts
Organisation: Institut Mosintuwu
Field of work: Reconciliation, interreligious dialogue, empowerment for women, women on development

Monika Hauser
Country/region: Germany
Conflict: Sexualised violence in conflicts
Organisation: medica mondiale
Field of work: Women´s rights

Cheryl Hendricks
Country/region: South Africa
Conflict: Post-conflict Reconciliation, Transitional Justice, Mediation, Stakeholder Dialogues
Organisation: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation
Field of work: Peacebuilding/ Transitional Justice/ Reconciliation/Women Peace and Security/ Preventing Violent Extremism

Moses John
Country/region: South Sudan
Conflict: Civil war between North and South Sudan
Organisation: Organization for Nonviolence and Development (ONAD)
Field of work: Training in non-violence; workshops on trauma work; inter-religious dialogue between Muslims & Christians

Olga Karatch
Country/region: Belarus
Conflict: Hibrid wars, military and violence conflicts in Eastern Europe
Organisation: Nash Dom
Field of work: Democratisation, civil rights, human rights, poverty alleviation, politics, support for disadvantaged groups

Dipujjal Khisa
Country/region: Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), Bangladesh
Conflict: Ethnic conflicts
Organisation: Maleya Foundation
Field of work: Indigenous Peoples Rights, Non-violent conflict transformation, Indigenous peoples’ self-determined development, Women empowerment.

Babloo Loitongbam
Country/region: India (federal state of Manipur in the northeast region)
Conflict: Human rights violations by the Army; armed rebel groups
Organisation: Human Rights Alert
Field of work: Human rights; civil rights

Mary Montague († 2024)
Country/region: Northern Ireland
Organisation: Tides Training
Field of work: Mediation and training

Immaculate Mukasa
Country/region: Uganda, East Africa
Conflict: Social conflict, structural violence
Organisation: Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women (MEMPROW)
Field of work: Empowerment of girls and young women, building their confidence, leadership, agency, and peer-peer groups, promotion of women’s rights, climate justice and violence-free communities

Dieudonné Munyankiko
Country/region: Rwanda
Conflict: Civil war, genocide
Organisation: Association Modeste et Innocent (AMI)
Field of work: Reconciliation between Hutus and Tutsis

Landry Ninteretse
Country/region: Burundi
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Action for Peace and Development (APD)
Field of work: Dialogues, conflict resolution, trauma work, street children, environmental protection

Nedžad Novalić
Country/region: Western Balkan (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia)
Conflict: Ethnic conflict
Organisation: Centre for Nonviolent Action
Field of work: Postwar reconciliation, peacebuilding education, memorialization

Yah Vallah Parwon
Country/region: Liberia
Conflict: Structural violence
Organisation: medica Liberia
Field of work: SGBV Prevention and Response in Conflict Settings

Mossarat Quadeem
Country/region: Pakistan
Conflict: (Religious) radicalization
Organisation: Paiman Alumni Trust
Field of work: De-Radicalization, strenthening of women in peace processes

Henry Ramirez Soler
Country/region: Colombia
Conflict: Socio-political armed conflict
Organisation: Corporacion Claretiana Norman Perez Bello / PROCLADE INTERNACIONAL
Field of work: Human rights, peace education, political advocacy before the UN, mediation and accompaniment to victims, follow-up to peace agreements.

Sima Samar
Country/region: Afghanistan
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission
Field of work: Human rights

Renas Sino
Country/region: Syria
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Tevin
Field of work: Think tank for Kurdish affairs, conflict resolution, dialogue

Boris Somé
Country/region: Burkina Faso
Conflict: Ethnic conflicts
Organisation: West Africa Network for Peacebuilding
Field of work: Early Warning Systems, conflict analysis and prevention

Nava Sonnenschein
Country/region: Israel
Conflict: Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Organisation:School for Peace, Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam
Field of work: Encounter groupsntion

Goce Todoroski
Country/region: Macedonia
Conflict: Armed conflict in 2001, inter-ethnic conflict to the present day
Organisation: Center for Civic Initiative
Field of work: Inter-ethnic youth work

Ousmane Diadé Touré
Country/region: Mali
Conflict: Civil War
Organisation: Studio Tamani
Field of work: Media for tolerance

Karen Volker
Country/region: USA
Conflict: Urban Violence
Organisation: Cure Violence
Field of work: Human rights, prevention of violence

Liza Wilkinson
Country/region: Northern Ireland
Conflict: Protestant & Catholic groups, peacebuilding in Pakistan, Balkans, Afghanistan and Sudan
Organisation: TIDES Trainings & Consultancy
Field of work: Dialogues, conflict resolution, peace with social justice training, family and community work

James Wuye
Country/region: Nigeria, Middle Belt
Conflict: Christian und Muslim groups
Organisation: Interfaith Mediation Center (IMC)
Field of work: Early warning systems to prevent religious violence; mediation