Category: Peacebuilders
Olga Karatch
Country/region: Belarus
Conflict: Hibrid wars, military and violence conflicts in Eastern Europe
Organisation: Nash Dom
Field of work: Democratisation, civil rights, human rights, poverty alleviation, politics, support for disadvantaged groups -
Moses John
Country/region: South Sudan
Conflict: Civil war between North and South Sudan
Organisation: Organization for Nonviolence and Development (ONAD)
Field of work: Training in non-violence; workshops on trauma work; inter-religious dialogue between Muslims & Christians -
Cheryl Hendricks
Country/region: South Africa
Conflict: Post-conflict Reconciliation, Transitional Justice, Mediation, Stakeholder Dialogues
Organisation: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation
Field of work: Peacebuilding/ Transitional Justice/ Reconciliation/Women Peace and Security/ Preventing Violent Extremism -
Monika Hauser
Country/region: Germany
Conflict: Sexualised violence in conflicts
Organisation: medica mondiale
Field of work: Women´s rights -
Lian Gogali
Country/region: Indonesia
Conflict: Ethnic-religious conflicts
Organisation: Institut Mosintuwu
Field of work: Reconciliation, interreligious dialogue, empowerment for women, women on development -
Miguel Alvarez Gandara
Country/region: Mexico
Conflict: Ethnic conflict, structural violence
Organisation: Servicios y Asesoría para la Paz (SERAPAZ)
Field of work: Human rights, Peace Education, Positive Conflict Transformation -
Anna Ferreira
Country/region: Venezuela
Conflict: Violent innerstate conflict
Organisation: El Círculo and Venezuelan Civic Forum
Field of work: Women´s rights; youth engagement -
Assaad Chaftari
Country/region: Lebanon
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Fighters for Peace / Initiatives of Change Lebanon
Field of work: Reconciliation, non-violent conflict resolution, Preach for personal change…and the rest, mainly by trying to reach ex-fighters, youth and politicians -
John Carson
Country/region: Northern Ireland
Conflict: Religious and Political Conflicts
Organisation: TIDES Training
Field of work: Mediation and Conflict Resolution; Working with ex-combatant groups on Conflict Resolution; Restorative Practice. Training groups in Mediation and Conflict Resolution -
Hania Bitar
Country/region: Palestine
Conflict: Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Organisation: Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation (PYALARA)
Field of work: Empowerment of young Palestinians through specialized youth media and peer-to-peer-groups, human rights, women rights, leadership -
Mariam Barandia
Country/region: Philippines
Conflict: Religious conflict
Organisation: IKapamagogopa Incorporated
Field of work: Reconciliation Muslims / Christians in Mindanao -
Muhammad Ashafa
Country/region: Nigeria, Middle Belt
Conflict: Christian and Muslim Groups
Organisation: Interfaith Mediation Center (IMC)
Field of work: Early warning systems to prevent religious violence; mediationlegal issues -
Suzan Aref
Country/region: Iraq
Conflict: Civil War
Organisation: Women Empowerment Organization (WEO)
Field of work: Help and education for refugees, establishing shelters for battered women, education, support on legal issues -
Rajaa Altalli
Country/region: Syria
Conflict: Civil war
Organisation: Center for Civil Society and Democracy in Syria
Field of work: Supporting civil society and those working for peace; Syrian refugee camps in Turkey -
Halima Adan
Country/region: Somalia
Conflict: Civil War
Organisation: Save Somali Women and Children
Field of work: Women’s rights, democratic development, mediation, leadership -
Fatuma Abdulkadir Adan
Country/region: Kenya (Northern region)
Conflict: Ethnic conflict
Organisation: Horn of Africa Development Initiative (HODI)
Field of work: Mediation, women’s rights